Welcome to my page! Ákos Pogány

Exploring the force of social interactions


I’m a behavioural ecologist by training, and started off my research carreer by investigating the family life (sexual conflict and parental cooperation, mainly) of passerine birds. Since then, my research interest has broadened, but remain centered around understanding the origin, mechanism and consequences of social interactions, that I find both fascinating and challenging.


Working as a consultant for the Hungarian Ethology Foundation, we aim at encouraging and promoting the study of animal behaviour through supporting research studies and the dissemination of knowledge


Co-founding the Hungarian Jane Goodall Institute and being a vice-president for three years at the beginning was a special experience and an important side-project for me.

Ákos Pogány

Current research

Digital device use in childhood and socio-cognitive development
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Sociability and its disorders in passerines
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Other projects
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Teams & collaborators

Publications & Media

C Fugazza, A Temesi, R Coronas, S Uccheddu, M Gácsi, Á Pogány, 2023. Spontaneous action matching in dog puppies, kittens and wolf pups. Scientific Reports 13 (1), 2094

E Mátrai, SM Gendron, M Boos, Á Pogány, 2022. Cognitive group testing promotes affiliative behaviors in dolphins. Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science, 1-15

Destroying a tropical rainforest for profit is like burning all the paintings of the Louvre to cook dinner.

Edward O. Wilson


Contact me

If you would like to contact me, please drop me an email.